Thursday, March 11, 2010

17th Chapter meeting

11th March, 2010

I am a new member to this club. When I was  first approached by CC Michael Chu to take up the appointment as the TME (Toastmaster of the Evening) of this meeting, I was naturally apprehensive.

I totally had no idea on what to do.

Amidst all the encouragements from senior members and the infighting with all the negative thoughts within me,I told myself  'I can do it'.

I am now glad that I made the decision and took the challenge.  I completed my duty with relief and excitement. Relief because I have completed another project under the CL manual.  Excited because of the knowledge and experience gained.

As the TME:

1. I discovered from the theme " Ladies Night" -how powerful and influential women are.

2. I am motivated by the support I received from members during and after the meeting.

3. Not forgetting the feedbacks.  The feedbacks  gave me a better understanding of how Toastmaster meeting works and how to improve myself in future meetings.

Text by :Tm Kek Kim Lan
Photo by E T Lee, DTM

1 comment:

  1. TME, Table Topicsmaster, Language Evaluator, Ah Counter, Project Speakers....all the ladies team. What were the guys doing? The guys were the Evaluators...General Evaluator, Project Evaluators, Timer and SAA... awesome! It was really a fun and enjoying evening!
