Sunday, April 25, 2010

20'th JBTMC Chapter Meeting

TM Rasinah is the Toastmaster of the Evening

Induction Ceremony being carried out by CC Praba the VPM
The enthusaistic guest Monica Lee participating the debate session

TM Tan Yu Min delivering her speech P8, Getting comfortable with Visual Aids

DTM Teo KS doing his general evaluation session. Thanks for all the positive comments.

CTM Lee Shen Meng The Speech Evaluator in action.

CC Andrew Tan the Grammarian in action - he mad all the members
perplexed with his speech eloquance.

CC Tan Eng Suan, one of the recipient for best Table Topics Speaker

ACS Cindy Wong, the second recipient of the best Table Topics Speeker.

Friday, April 23, 2010

20th Chapter Meeting

22nd April, 2010

We had a very wonderful much fun (although it took a
while to warm up the tense atmosphesre!)

We had TM Rasinah as Toastmaster of the Evening, she is no ordinary
'emcee' but a TME in the Toastmasters meeting! As the GE, Kim-See Teo,
DTM put it, you have to attend a Toastmasters meeting in order to know
what  a TME is!

The Table Topicsmaster, Cindy, ACS, made sure everyone speak in the
Table Topics session, yes, you will be very 'perplexed' how she did
with 25 fellow members!

Sole Project Speaker, TM Tan Yu Min, I like your presentation! All of
us love "Happy Food", we love the banana, the salmon fish, someone
took your HL milk away? It was a awesome speech where you also apllied
what you learned in Project 7 on research your topic.

TM Sankaree, I hope you are reading this message, I have reserve the
speaking slot for you in 21st chapter meeting (May 13)! I really want
to see you be the youngest Competent Communicator (CC) in our club ya!

The Theme for next meeting is: "Mother's day - tribute to mother!"

Text by:
Michael Chu, CC, CL
Vice President Education 2009 - 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

18th Chapter meeting- speech contest

Speech Contest 2010
Contest results

International Speech contest

Champion: J Kannan

1st Runner up: Prabakaran

Table Topics contest

Champion: Wai Jey Shin

1st runner up: J Kannan

2nd runner up: Sankaree

Heartiest Congratulation!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

17th Chapter meeting

11th March, 2010

I am a new member to this club. When I was  first approached by CC Michael Chu to take up the appointment as the TME (Toastmaster of the Evening) of this meeting, I was naturally apprehensive.

I totally had no idea on what to do.

Amidst all the encouragements from senior members and the infighting with all the negative thoughts within me,I told myself  'I can do it'.

I am now glad that I made the decision and took the challenge.  I completed my duty with relief and excitement. Relief because I have completed another project under the CL manual.  Excited because of the knowledge and experience gained.

As the TME:

1. I discovered from the theme " Ladies Night" -how powerful and influential women are.

2. I am motivated by the support I received from members during and after the meeting.

3. Not forgetting the feedbacks.  The feedbacks  gave me a better understanding of how Toastmaster meeting works and how to improve myself in future meetings.

Text by :Tm Kek Kim Lan
Photo by E T Lee, DTM

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chinese New Year open house@ John Foo's

6th March 2010
 ATM John Foo invited club members to his house for a bryani party.  Many members attended, inluding memebers who have not been attending recent club chapter meetings.  Take a look at these photos and you will know which member is more enthusiatic about food than attending meeting.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

A Happy and Properous Chinese New Year
to our members and Guests !
Ask not what the club can do for you
in the Year of The Tiger.
Support the Club
and the Club will do wonders to your life!

Friday, February 12, 2010

15th Chapter Meeting

Feb 11, 2010
It was a good meeting with 20 members and 1 guest: SAA Carmelita started giving away 'hong pau' to all the singles members and wish everyone a Happy Cinense Lunar New Year. TME Abiramy was good to hold audience participation for solid 120 minutes. For table topicmaster, Jocelyn Cheok Wei Yin preapred topics on both Chinese New Year and Valentine, guest what, Valentine questions are more popular than the Chinese New Year topics. Well done to Jocelyn being the first time T.T.master.

I did my AP1 at the eleven hour, I must thank the DivA, Cindy Wong, ACS for the sincere evaluation. Of course the better speaker went to our President Kannan on his 'The Sales Training' (AP9), he will be the next ACB by having to complete just one more advance project (hey, can I envy you?) By the way our club does not have many ACB as most of the members were 'graduated' after the CC...

'GONGXI FA CAI" Happy Lunar New Year Selamat Tahun Baru Cina!

Text by Michael Chu, CC

Monday, February 8, 2010

2nd Chapter Meeting 2010

JANUARY 28, 2010

The three new members Tm Murugappan, Tm Chan Chin Phai and Tm Kek Kim Lan spoke from their hearts and won the hearts of the audiance.  Well done!  And welcome to the club.


The night of "the thaipusam festival" challenged my ability on how much I know and understand about the hindu festival. For 18 years staying in Malaysia I believe that Thaipusam is just ( where we see hindu devotees piercing the part of their body ) a part of their rituals. As the toastmaster of the evening I am obliged to find out more about the festival. Since I joined toastmasters I have fostered the habit of finding a solution only then

I learn and grow with the help of the new technology and lots of information around. Now, I can say that I know more about the thaipusam festival.


During the tea break I noticed that we have enough food for everyone until the VPE announced that he had none. I guess, the members and guests were contented that we have nice food and happy with the mee siam which was not too spicy and the kuih kurang manis.

Photo by E T Lee,DTM
Text by:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st chapter Meeting of 2010

Due to a series of natural phenomina ( you read newspapers and you know the world has a lot of earthquakes , tsuname , snow storms and what have you these days, Toastmasters have their fair share as well ), we have lost contact with the Reporter for this meeting.  We think there is no chance of recovering him until after the Chinese New Year avalanche.    Meantime  aspiring reporters with good memory of this meeting is required. Historical accounts are not well received. We need meeting highlights. Interested member please contact E T Lee at or simply write on the comment section of this entry.